دكتور بيطري تخصص حيونات اليفه

جدهقبل شهرين
CV Personal data Data of birth: 08/03/1985 Nationality: Syrian Religion: Muslim Marital: married Driving License: available Email: maddah470@gmail.com Mobile: ( رقم الجوال يظهر عند الضغط على زر تواصل ) Faculty of veterinary medicine Education: Computer skills Efficiency in using computer systems and office , windows, internet browsing skills Languages Arabica-English Experience: private pet clinic Africano Hospital Cost animals Best cats Vet work Hospital academy alqasim Town vet clinic Pharmacy veterinary For treatment of domestic animal which offer Examination Certification Surgery Fleas &ticks control program Microphone implanting Vaccination program Grooming Pregnancy examination Home visits Any accessories Cans & Dry food Trading • owner and founder of town vet hospital in Syria from 7 years And in KSA 2016_2024~~ For pets animals and large animals for treatment and all surgery like soft tissue and gynecology, tumor or castration and historical Operations Claws for cats and predators Hysterectomy eunuch Amputation Hernia operation Caesarean sections Difficulty in childbirth Splinting fractures Cleaning teeth And tooth extraction Hematoma process Blood chemistry Breeding. Dentition. Pet animals ultrasound. Suturing. Anesthesia, Anelgesia, Anesthesia monitoring. Surgical instruments. Toxicity and how to deal with. Urine analysis and urinary system diseases.
دكتور بيطري تخصص حيونات اليفه 0